Speak to Your Local Equity Release Specialist Graham Webb

Call now on: 01254 406534

“I’m Graham Webb, your local Equity Release Specialist for Lancashire & surrounding areas.

Find out more about me and my qualifications below. For a quick quote, why not try our free and easy to use Equity Release calculator”

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Equity Release Calculator

Find Out In 30 Seconds, How Much You Could Release, Tax Free

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    About Graham

    Cert Cii (M&P & ER), FPC MAQ

    • Certificate In Mortgage Advice

    • Certificate In Equity Release

    • Financial Planning Certificate

    • Mortgage Advice Qualification

    Over 23 years experience

    I have 23 years of financial services experience. I provide professional equity release advice to those aged 55 and above.

    Many of my clients now find that releasing some of the wealth from their home can help with things such as: home improvements, paying off existing mortgages, clearing debts, dream holidays, second homes, school fees and helping with children’s house deposits.

    Modern Lifetime Mortgages stand at the forefront of financial planning by providing access to tax free capital to spend as required with no repayments required during your lifetime unless you choose to, and whilst you retain full home ownership.

    We would discuss the different features between each of the products available within the later life lending market. Being independent I work on your behalf so have access to the whole market. The providers include names such as Aviva, Liverpool & Victoria, Legal & General, More2life, Pure Retirement, Canada Life, One Family & Hodge Lifetime.

    I offer an initial meeting/discussion either by telephone or face to face without obligation and without charge. Together, we would work through the following:


    Why choose me?

    • Whether equity release is a suitable route for you now or possibly later.
    • I’ll explain in full how equity release works and its impact on you & others.
    • Discuss all alternatives and provide access to these options if needed.
    • My recommendation will be based on your needs. If the recommended route is to proceed with an arrangement, then you will be presented with a Key Facts Illustration (a client specific illustration).
    • If you are fully happy to proceed, I will help you with the application process.
    • When an application is completed, you will receive a suitability letter that will fully explain why the Equity Release product has been chosen.

    Contact Graham

    Have a question or looking for more information? Speak to Graham today.

    Contact Graham Today

    Find Out In 30 Seconds, How Much You Could Release, Tax Free